Yoni Steam Blend


A beautiful blend of steaming herbs including, motherwort, mugwort, damiana, rosemary, rose, chamomile, lavender, yarrow, calendula for a healthy, youthful Yoni.

Clear your body from past lovers, pains, traumas, or negativity. This blend also allows you to connect to your womb, Fully allowing you to embrace your divine feminine.

comes with a %

100%, pure Therapeutic grade essential oil blend to apply on your womb during your steam as well As a custom Spotify playlist sent to your email.

Yoni Steam for Cleansing is best enjoyed after your menstrual cycle.

**A gentle reminder that an emotional or physical release after steaming may be part of your process, so allow yourself the time to experience and move through this. Try and prepare your steam before bed, so you can lay down and rest afterward. Do not steam after possible conception or if you think you are pregnant.

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