What Is Breathwork?
Breathwork is the act of consciously connecting to your breath in a circular pattern for an extended period of time.
When we do this, we slowly increase the oxygen in our bodies and decreased the carbon dioxide, creating a bridge between spirit and matter. Gently accessing the subconscious.
The lineage Bre has studied through is the Sacred Breath Method which is a holistic, more therapeutic method, which allows for longer, somatic journeys with integration and processing. The Sacred Breath Method rebalances the emotional body, heals the pain body, and activates one’s higher soul expression.
Physically breathwork detoxifies and alkalizes your body, flushes your lymphatic system, oxygenates your cells, and creates a better relationship with your breath. Emotionally breathwork allows you to peel away the layers from years of conditioning, programming, limited beliefs and so much more, and mentally through conscious connected breath you are activating the limbic system in your brain where suppressed emotions and traumas are buried and allow them to come to surface to work through.
While doing all this we are in a state of rest and restore through the parasympathetic system using a nose to mouth technique with the principle of allowance instead of forced/fight or flight like some other methods of breath.